Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Copper Edging for Snail and Slug Management

As part of our pest managment we've installed copper edging around the perimeter of all the raised beds.  When slugs and snails touch the copper the slime on their bellies interact to create an electric current, which shocks them.  Its worth noting that you have to be sure to get rid of all the slugs and snails inside the bed for this to work.  This (hopefully) keeps them out of our veggies so we can coexist in peace.  So far I've been happy with the results.  We used a product sold at Berkeley Horticulture that is essentially a copper tape.  This was relatively expensive and so when it comes time to reinstall the copper it might be cheaper to find the copper strips elsewhere and just staple them into the edges of the raised beds.

1 comment:

sophos moros said...

This winter, the snails have returned as the copper has began to fade. Beds must be re-stripped next planting season.