There is currently a large Australian Cherry (does not actually produce cherries) tree to the south of south house. This tree is in competition with the house foundation and consequently must go. There are a few options for what to do with the space post tree removal and I am looking for feedback from the house. The purpose of this blog post is to create a forum for discussion so please comment if you have an opinion.
The options as I see them are:
1- to plant another large tree in place of the one being taken out, but further away from the house
2- to plant a smaller tree
3- to not plant a tree, which will increase the amount of sunlight to that area making it easier to grow other ornamental plants.
My recommendation is option 1. Here are some trees that might suit the space.
Liriodendron tulipifera- Tulip Tree
This tree, even with a full canopy, would let in a fair amount of light.
Magnolia graniflora- Magnolia
A Magnolia graniflora would compliment the row of magnolias that the people across the street have.

Melaleuca styphelioides- Black Tea Tree
this tree gets pretty tall. its all about the peeling bark

Aesculus californica- California Buckeye
A CA native. This tree doesn't get that tall really, but I have to include it because its my favorite. Its shape is also unpredictable.

Alnus rhombifolia- White Alder
I also really like this one, a CA native. It has cool catkins and white bark. This tree is normally found in riparian habitats so it might require more water.

Yes, this is the tree that cork comes from. They are all over the UC Davis campus and look beautiful there. I've seen multiple specimens around Berkeley that look very healthy as well.forsythia for sale
I enjoy driving to work this time of year since parts of my route take me through Tennessee Wholesale Nursery
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